Monday, April 30, 2012

A Change of Scenery

So the whole restoration of items didn't go very smoothly and, in fact, it was a bust.  I put the cart before the horse, it just didn't go anywhere.  Without ample inside space (workshop) to work on the items, they just sat.  However, all is not lost.  

My husband and I actually purchased something much bigger to work on instead of a multitude of small items, a 1976 International Sovereign Airstream travel trailer.
We are heading out for the first journey this Thursday and will be on the road for almost an entire week.  This blog will be conformed into notes of my adventures / travel blog as I set out on the road with my husband and our three dogs.  We figured, rather than staying in hotels, having to crate our dogs (aka the mini pack), bothering others with barking, it would behoove us to get a travel trailer.  We just cannot stomach boarding our beloved pets.  This is travel trailer number two, we are selling our first travel trailer.  

We currently have another travel trailer that we bought a couple of years ago and is just too large for us.  We are currently selling the former one.  Should you or someone you know be interested in purchasing the former travel trailer, please let me know (sleeps up to 6 people). 

More to come this week!

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